
Private Search Set (PSS)

Private Search Set (PSS) is an extension to standard Bloom filter or a standalone hash file to describe and share private set.

Private Search Set (PSS) - Overview

FIRST CTI 2024 presentation

FIRST CTI 2024 presentation



The Private Search Set (PSS) is an extension to the standard Bloom filter or a standalone hash file to describe and share private set. It provides features such as fast lookup of values without disclosing the values, easy distribution of private sets to a group of users or organizations, watermarking and tracking down potential leak of a private search set (PSS), offline private search, and flexible meta-format to describe and extend the private search set (PSS).



Overview of creation and lookup of PSS

flowchart TD
    Y["canonize(foobar.onion)"] --> A
    A["insert keyhashed(foobar.onion)"] -->|key, Blake2| B[key-hashed]
    B --> |insert| C[Distributed PSS file]
    B --> |insert| D[Distributed PSS Bloomfilter]
    style B fill:#0f0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    style Y fill:#0f0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    style A fill:#0f0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    style Z fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    Z["search keyhashed(canonized foobar.onion)"] -->|search| C
    Z["search keyhashed(canonized foobar.onion)"] -->|search| D

Meta format

Key name Type Description Required
version number Version of the Private Search Set (PSS). ✓
name string A concise name used for the directory name. ✓
description string Human readable description of the set. ✓
generated-timestamp number Generation timestamp in epoch format. ✓
algorithm string Keyed-hash message authentication. Available:
- Blake2b
- Blake3
- HMAC-SHA-256
- HMAC-SHA-512
keyid string The reference to the key used in the keyed-hash message authentication algorithm. If the default value is used, then the private shared key infected. ✓
filter hash The filter description along with its type, format and model. ✓
misp-attribute-types array Array of string with the types covered by the private search set. Types can be any from types mentioned in the default MISP types. If not specified, text type is covered. -
misp-object-template array Array of string with the object template name and the version separated with a semicolon such as person:19. -
canonicalization-format string Meta function used expressed in Python functions. Such as lower()[:10] -
openpgp-encrypted-key string Base64 OpenPGP message encrypting the reference keyid. This is optional as the key can be distributed in different means such as dedicated MISP API key or other secure channel. -

Meta format format

Format type bloomfilter

Key name Type Description Required
capacity number Capacity of the BloomFilter ✓
fp-probability number Probability of false-positive ✓
format string Format of the BloomFilter such as dcso-v1 or poppy-v2 ✓
match-count number Number of count match to confirm if it’s a positive match. Default is 1. ‐
List of known bloomfilter format
Name Description
dcso-v1 DCSO BloomFilter using 64-bit FNV-1 hash function.
poppy-v2 Poppy using 64-bit with wyHash.

Format type misp-feed-cache


  "algorithm": "Blake2",
  "format": [
      "bloomfilter": {
        "capacity": 10000,
        "format": "dcso-v1",
        "fp-probability": 0.001
      "misp-feed-cache": {}
  "canonicalization-format": ".lower",
  "description": "List of Tor hidden services containing child sexual abuse material (CSAM).",
  "generated-timestamp": 1700731642,
  "keyid": "tor-csam-lea",
  "misp-attribute-types": [
  "version": 1

Feed format

The feed format is composed of a directory with the following structure:

Those two files can be included in a MISP feed format export. The feed can contain a single Bloom filter set along with meta-data or a hash list file with the hash values or even both files with the meta-data.

MISP Object template

A private-search-set MISP oject template will be created to be able to share PSS via MISP.